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Gasoline passed the 3 lev Psychological barrier in fuel prices collapsed, said "Press." Yesterday gasoline hit three lev... More...
Fuel prices go crazy The situation is similar in the U.S.. According to the administration of the Ministry of Energy of the United... More...
Djankov fight oil prices with regulatory changes With the legislative changes the government will try to influence the price of fuel. "We'll change some of... More...

About us

"T - OIL BULGARIA"  Ltd.  established  in 2008 Sofia, Bulgaria. "T - OIL BULGARIA"  Ltd. is Trade Company on Bulgarian Market and abroad for different grades of Bitumen and Fuel Oils. In this briefly period our company is working very successful on Bulgarian market and we show up with correctness, professional and quality work.


 "T - OIL BULGARIA" Ltd. provides to the customers –fuels, bitumen and high quality polymer modified bitumen from  "Lukoil Neftochim Bourgas" Jsc. Bulgaria, "Hellenic Petroleum"S.A. Greece, "N.I.S. " A.d. Serbia, „OPTIMA Grupa” d.o.o. Bosna i Herzegovina, "Rompetrol Rafinare" S.A.  Romania.

We have ambitions to expand the circle of our clients by saving the trust of our existing partners and looking for new markets.

In the end of 2013, "T - OIL BULGARIA" LTD has built a production base for Bitumen 50/70 from processing of natural bitumen.


Certificate EN ISO 9001:2008

Certificate EN ISO 14001:2005

Certificate Bitumen 50/70 EN 12591:2009

Certificate Bitumen 50/70 EN 12591:2009 Annex 1

Certificate Bitumen 50/70 EN 12591:2009 EN 13108-1/NA:2009 Annex 2

Safety Data Sheet - Bitumen

Typical chemical characteristics Biodiesel - B100

Certificate ISCC Biodiesel B -100 EU - DE120-30170141

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